Thursday 26 March 2015

5 Photography Tips for Beginners

Having years of professional photography experience is not necessarily a requirement to capturing absolutely stunning photos. Even amateur photographers can get lucky and snag breathtaking photos. Photography is a very hands-on field and practice makes perfect, but anyone would love a few tips from the pros, especially when you’re just getting started. Here are some photography tips for beginners who are looking to excel in their camera knowledge and capture some of those award-winning shots.

1. Equipment

As you’ve likely already noticed, there is an endless amount of photography equipment you can use. Finding the right equipment depends entirely on the type of photos you are looking for. You certainly don’t need to buy all of the top of the line equipment right off the bat. But you will need the essentials: a camera body, 50mm lens, zoom lens and external flash. These will help you get started and you can always upgrade and add to your equipment as your photography skills (and budget) improve.

2. Know the Terms

To help you better understand how to use your new DSLR, it is important for you to know the different terms related to the camera’s manual settings. ISO, aperture, shutter speed and other terms can sometimes confuse a beginner who is unfamiliar with these settings. Let’s take a look at some terms you will regularly come in contact when shooting photos.
Shutter Speed – Shutter speed refers to how long the shutter stays open when shooting a picture. Slower shutter speeds are used to allow more light in through the lens when there is an absence of light. Faster shutter speeds work great in bright situations and when shooting moving objects.
Aperture – The aperture is measured in F-Stops and relates to the size of the lens opening. Using a lower F-Stop will focus on a single item in your picture making the photo background appear blurry. A higher F-Stop will ensure more of your photo is in focus.
ISO – ISO is the adjustment you use depending upon the amount of light you are working with. For example, the lower the ISO number you set, the less sensitive the camera is to the light. You can use a low ISO when shooting outdoors on a sunny day and a higher ISO when it is cloudy or when shooting indoors.

3. Use a Tripod

When shooting in low light or taking a long exposure photo you probably won’t be able to hold the camera still long enough to capture the shot without causing camera shake. Even some of the most seasoned photographers use tripods to eliminate the slightest effects of camera shake.

4. Learn From Others

One of your most valuable resources is going to be other more seasoned photographers; they are a great asset when looking for photo tips. Every photographer had to start somewhere so most veteran photographers are more than happy to help out a newbie. Remember what they do and what they say about their experiences when on a shoot. You can also check out photo books or online sites and study photographs taken by professionals. Then, take what you have learned and try to replicate what they do. As we said, photography is a hands-on learning experience. So play with your camera and the settings until you get shoot the photographs you are looking for. Another thing to consider is taking a photography class at a local college or attending a photography workshop at a local gallery. Learning as much as you can will make experimenting with your camera much easier and much more fun.

5. Experiment

There is only one way to really get not just familiar but experienced at shooting in manual mode and that is practice. In addition to playing with the settings, try shooting in different situations, indoors and outdoors, from different angles and a variety of subjects. Ask family members to be your guinea pigs and experiment shooting portraits of them using different lighting equipment and photography backgrounds. The more you practice, the less you will feel like a beginner. Do not let the fear of trying something new stop you from improving your photography skills. Even the most seasoned photographers have to practice and experiment. Remember, we are all beginners at one time or another. One final tip: carry your camera with you everywhere because you never know when the perfect photographic opportunity will arise.

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